We arrived to a room with a circle of empty chairs, knowing that in a few hours, those chairs would be filled with stories, experiences, challenges, dreams, and feminine power.

Those stories belonged to Angelina, Carmen, Dani, Ingrid, Jenny, Liliana, Nancy, and Pilar, though many more were left untold, they represented Latina entrepreneurs on Latina Equal Pay Day, a day dedicated to addressing the persistent wage gap faced by Latina workers across the United States.

And they were not alone. In the other seats sat powerful allies, companions on this path full of challenges but also opportunities: First Partner de California, Jennifer Siebel Newsom and Sylvia Pérez Cash, Chief Innovation Officer of the Latino Community Foundation. Alongside them were elected officials committed to equity, such as Senator Nancy Skinner and Assemblymember Mia Bonta.

The event, organized by Prospera and Latino Community Foundation, was not just any meeting. It was a conversation among ‘comadres,’ the kind that nourishes us and reminds us why we do what we do. In that space, we put our roles aside, saw each other, listened to one another, and recognized ourselves in every word. We talked about the wage gap, yes, but also about the wealth these entrepreneurs are creating for their families and communities through their ventures. This is the Prospera way—creating a space where the voices of Latina women are heard with respect and where we work collectively to break down the walls that have been imposed on us.

As First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom said, Latinas are the backbone of their families, leaders in their communities, and drivers of our economy. California thrives because of them, and we are committed to advocating for their success and ensuring a future of equity for all!

Every story, every tear, every shared laugh in that room was a reminder of the power our community holds when it comes together. The entrepreneurs shared the challenges of starting a business as immigrants, but also the victories they have achieved. In their words, the essence of what Prospera is shone through: a grassroots organization, led by and for Latina women, where collective power transforms realities.

This type of event not only celebrates the achievements of Latinas, but also inspires more women to pursue economic independence and community leadership. At Prospera, we will continue to drive change, one entrepreneur at a time, toward a more equitable and prosperous California for all.

Together we are unstoppable! We want to infinitely thank First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom for seeing us and listening to us, the Latino Community Foundation for always being there, believing in us, in our mission, and in our dreams, and the Prospera entrepreneurs for their commitment to raising their voices and those of their peers.

We will continue to move forward, breaking barriers and building a future where Latinas thrive as leaders and entrepreneurs with all that they are!

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