Dance Studio Maseuani: Danza sin limites

Dance Studio Maseuani: Danza sin limites

Para María Inés Dávalos, la danza siempre ha sido más que una forma de arte: es una forma de vida. Desde joven, soñó con una carrera en el mundo del movimiento y completó una licenciatura en danza folclórica mientras vivía en México. Pero al mudarse a EE.UU., puso ese...
Dance Studio Maseuani: More than movement

Dance Studio Maseuani: More than movement

For Maria Inés Davalos, dance has always been more than just an art form—it’s a way of life. She once envisioned a career in movement and completed a university degree in folkloric dance while still living in Mexico. But after moving to the U.S., she put that dream on...
We Stand Together with our Community

We Stand Together with our Community

Living and upholding our values is at the heart of everything we do at Prospera. We believe that all people deserve respect, the freedom to pursue their dreams, and the opportunity to see their families thrive and reach their full potential. This is why we embrace...
Caminamos en solidaridad con nuestra comunidad

Caminamos en solidaridad con nuestra comunidad

En Prospera, vivir y defender nuestros valores está en el corazón de todo lo que hacemos. Creemos que todas las personas merecen respeto, la libertad de perseguir sus sueños, la oportunidad de ver a sus familias prosperar y de alcanzar el desarrollo pleno de su...
Reflexionando sobre el 2024 en Prospera

Reflexionando sobre el 2024 en Prospera

Querida Familia Prospera, Al cerrar este 2024, miramos hacia atrás con gratitud y orgullo por todo lo que hemos logrado juntas y juntos ¡Tenemos el corazón llenito! Este año ha sido un recordatorio constante de la fuerza, el talento y la resiliencia que compartimos...
Magic Hands Eco Cleaning: De resiliente a visionaria

Magic Hands Eco Cleaning: De resiliente a visionaria

La trayectoria de Glenda Solano comenzó en El Salvador, cuando llegó a Estados Unidos como madre soltera y embarazada, decidida a construir una vida mejor. La transición no fue fácil: enfrentó barreras de idioma, dificultades económicas y el reto de criar a su hijo...
Together, hand in hand

Together, hand in hand

Dear Community, Today, we woke up to the news of a new presidency, uncertain of what the next four years may hold. We sit reflecting and sharing our feelings as we come together. While supporting one another, we listen and reach a shared understanding: Community is...
Juntas de la mano

Juntas de la mano

Querida comunidad, Nos levantamos con las noticias de una nueva presidencia y con la incertidumbre de qué va a pasar durante estos próximos 4 años. Empezamos en silencio y a medida que nos vamos despertando cada una comparte sus sentimientos; nos escuchamos, nos...
A Magical Gathering at our Eighth Annual Summit

A Magical Gathering at our Eighth Annual Summit

“I didn’t expect to meet so much of myself at a conference of women entrepreneurs,” shared one of our participants with tears in her eyes. This year’s Summit allowed us to create something beyond our imagination—the magic of seeing, listening...
What We’ve Accomplished, Together, in 2024!

What We’ve Accomplished, Together, in 2024!

As we enter the second half of the year, we invite you to take a look back with us at what we have accomplished in 2024. From annual celebrations to first-time additions, we are filled with joy and gratitude to the amazing entrepreneurs and supporters who have made...
Transforming adversity into growth

Transforming adversity into growth

Meet Sindy Juarez, the dedicated entrepreneur behind Green Landscaping & Maintenance, a business born out of resilience and a passion for providing quality landscaping services. During the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sindy and her family faced...
Celebrating Our Remarkable Growth in 2023

Celebrating Our Remarkable Growth in 2023

Our hearts swell with gratitude and pride as we reflect on the accomplishments of 2023. We’ve navigated an incredible journey of growth and resilience and we are proud to showcase our united spirit and shared achievements. One of the brightest highlights...
CZI & Prospera: Building meaningful relationships

CZI & Prospera: Building meaningful relationships

Going for a walk? Having a hot drink and looking for something to listen to and relax? Have some time in the car? All of these are the perfect moments to listen to this thoughtful conversation centered on breaking cycles of privilege, creating collective power, and...
Determination to Delicious Entrepreneurship

Determination to Delicious Entrepreneurship

Meet Pilar Rengifo, the visionary behind The Choclo, a business born out of a profound desire for wellness and a passion for entrepreneurship. Pilar’s journey began with a personal health crisis, where she faced health problems and the daunting prospect of...
Relive the magic of Mujer: Historia, voz y sueños

Relive the magic of Mujer: Historia, voz y sueños

On March 27th, in honor of International Women’s Month, Prospera’s incredible programs team organized a second annual event to celebrate the amazing women in our community and their stories, Mujer: Historia, voz y sueños (Woman: Stories, Voice, and Dreams). 77 eager...
Relive the magic of Mujer: Historia, voz y sueños

Así se vivió Mujer: Historia, voz y sueño

El 27 de marzo, en honor al Mes Internacional de la Mujer, Prospera organizó el segundo evento para celebrar a las increíbles mujeres de nuestra comunidad y sus historias, con el nombre de: Mujer: Historia, voz y sueños. 77 entusiastas participantes se reunieron en un...
Entrepreneurs on fire

Entrepreneurs on fire

In this space, we celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit by highlighting the stories and businesses of two exceptional women. Read on to learn about the journey of these entrepreneurs and be part of their motivating journey. Meet Ingrid Sanchez, a Latina entrepreneur...
A reflection on 2023

A reflection on 2023

Dear community members, As we bid farewell to another year, one marked by the poignant ache for the loss of many innocent lives, we want to remember them, honor them, and embrace each of the families affected. In the face of adversity, we strive to share the uplifting...
Una reflexión sobre 2023

Una reflexión sobre 2023

Querida comunidad, Al despedirnos de otro año, marcado por el dolor conmovedor de la pérdida de muchas vidas inocentes, queremos recordarlas, honrarlas y abrazar a cada una de las familias afectadas. Frente a la adversidad, nos esforzamos por compartir los momentos de...
Fellows Who Inspire: Martha Franco 

Fellows Who Inspire: Martha Franco 

Martha Franco, a recent graduate from our Fellowship program, embarked on a journey filled with uncertainty when she became a part of Prospera’s Fellowship program. She vividly remembers the initial doubts surrounding her project, questioning whether it would...
Fellows Who Inspire: Jenny Conejo

Fellows Who Inspire: Jenny Conejo

For Jenny, Prospera and the Fellowship program became beacons of hope in trying times. The invaluable support, both emotional and economic, provided a lifeline that allowed her to navigate through the uncertain times of the COVID pandemic and emerge stronger. She...
Prospera speaks out against the genocide in Gaza

Prospera speaks out against the genocide in Gaza

At Prospera, we know that no matter what side of the border you are on, a mother’s grief is the same. With horror and outrage we have witnessed the violent attacks in Israel and Palestine, and we condemn any violence against civilians. As women, mothers, daughters,...
Levantamos la voz en contra del genocidio

Levantamos la voz en contra del genocidio

En Prospera, sabemos que el llanto de una madre es el mismo en cualquier lado de la frontera. Con horror e indignación, hemos presenciado los ataques violentos en Israel y Palestina, y condenamos cualquier forma de violencia contra civiles. Como mujeres, madres,...
Presentamos nuestras Fellows 2023-2025

Presentamos nuestras Fellows 2023-2025

La Familia Prospera se complace en presentar a nuestra nueva cohorte de becarios 2023-2025. Estas mujeres excepcionales han sido cuidadosamente seleccionadas de entre un grupo de talentosas candidatas. Son mujeres talentosas y apasionadas que aportan una gran variedad...
Welcoming our Fellows 2023-2025

Welcoming our Fellows 2023-2025

The Prospera Family is happy to introduce our newest cohort of Fellows 2023-2025. These exceptional individuals have been carefully selected from a talented pool of applicants. They are talented and passionate women who bring a wealth of diverse backgrounds,...
What happens when vision meets passion?

What happens when vision meets passion?

Dear friends, This past of April we celebrated our first in-person retreat with our new Prospera board of directors uniting vision with passion and love for a common project. It was a day when many of the members of the board and the Prospera team met for the...
Meet our Board of Directors!

Meet our Board of Directors!

A word from our Executive Director, Claudia Arroyo: The Prospera Family is happy to introduce our fabulous Board of Directors to the community! Each one of them has a unique and special history with the organization and their integration to the table means a lot to...
Unity in the Face of Tragedy

Unity in the Face of Tragedy

When we hear on the news that another shooting has taken place, that more innocent people have lost their lives without any sense, our stomachs twist with incomprehension and anger. What is it that we as a society need to reflect on and learn from these events? How...
Unidad ante la tragedia

Unidad ante la tragedia

Cuando escuchamos en las noticias que más tiroteos están pasando, que más personas inocentes han perdido la vida sin ningún sentido nuestros estómagos se encogen y la incomprensión y rabia aflora. ¿Qué nos toca como sociedad reflexionar y aprender de estos sucesos?...
Reflexiones finales del 2022…

Reflexiones finales del 2022…

Querida comunidad, Las manecillas del reloj no dejan de moverse y en pocos días cerraremos un ciclo más. Sabemos que el cierre del año puede traernos muchas emociones y pensamientos que incluye la reflexión de lo vivido, aprendido, logrado, los retos enfrentados, etc....
Some Final Thoughts for 2022…

Some Final Thoughts for 2022…

Querida Comunidad, The hand of a clock does not stop moving and in a few days, we will come to the close of another cycle. We know that the end of the year can bring up many emotions and reflections, including those of what has been lived, learned, achieved, of...
Meet our team! We Are Prospera.

Meet our team! We Are Prospera.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to connect my story with that of many other women who, like me, raise their voices, claiming a space to crystallize dreams and co-create what we deserve. Behind my title there is a whole story. What is yours?” Read...
Our 2021 Annual Report is Here!

Our 2021 Annual Report is Here!

We are so excited to share our 2021 Annual Report with you. With your support, we have been able to accomplish so much; we have expanded our programming, grown our team, and much more–all of which we invite you to find out more about in our report.  “In...
Dreams are possible by Denisse Cardona

Dreams are possible by Denisse Cardona

“For me, Prospera has helped me through very difficult times. For example, during the pandemic… it’s a safety net, not only financially, but I also feel like Prospera has helped me a lot emotionally. I didn’t feel alone. They have also provided us with tools...
Dreams are possible by Lupita Vidals

Dreams are possible by Lupita Vidals

“The Prospera community has really opened a lot of doors for me, and I think through my participation in this community I found myself.  In the training (Explora) I said, “I belong here”, because I want to be my own boss, I have the dream of being someone...
Dreams are Possible Challenge

Dreams are Possible Challenge

Partner with Prospera to help us reach our goal of $30,000 before December 31st and support the dreams of our entrepreneurs! During the pandemic, many dreams have been interrupted and sidetracked. At Prospera, we are committed to working so that the dreams of our...
Dreams are possible by Stephanie Segovia

Dreams are possible by Stephanie Segovia

“When I started this journey, it felt like I was pretty much alone… I know that it’s my own idea, it’s my own business and I become my own boss, but it gets to a point that you feel like, “I won’t make it.” And when I found Prospera...

LECCIONES APRENDIDAS  Este fellowship 2021-2022 ha sido para mi un regalo más a nivel personal que para mi negocio De Colores C. Consulting. Ha sido la oportunidad perfecta para volver a soñar en grande, para reavivar mi pasión por lo que hago y desaprender todo...
A better and hopeful horizon by Celia Alvarez

A better and hopeful horizon by Celia Alvarez

LESSONS LEARN  The Fellowship 2020-2021 has been a gift for me above all, more than for my business, De Colores C. Consulting. It was the perfect opportunity to dream big again, rekindle my passion for what I do, and unlearn everything that was not helping me grow. I...
Double Your impact with your DAF

Double Your impact with your DAF

Do you have a Donor-advised fund (DAF)? Did you know that over $140 billion sits unused in DAFs and community foundations across the country? The money from your DAF could double your impact on the causes you believe in! Join us for the #HalfMyDAF 2021 matching-grant...
Presenting Our Newest Fellow, Celia Alvarez

Presenting Our Newest Fellow, Celia Alvarez

We are thrilled to introduce you to our newest Fellow, Celia Álvarez, co-founder of De Colores C. Consulting. Celia and her two co-owners are breaking free from the traditional ways of doing business, finding instead a path of collaboration and commitment that...
Presentando a nuestra nueva Fellow Celia

Presentando a nuestra nueva Fellow Celia

Les presentamos  a nuestra nueva Fellow Celia Alvarez, Cofundadora del negocio Cooperativo De Colores C. Consulting, que junto a sus dos socias ha decidido romper las barreras de la forma tradicional de hacer negocios buscando generar un impacto positivo para ellas...
Sin desviar la mirada: #StopTheHate por Claudia Arroyo

Sin desviar la mirada: #StopTheHate por Claudia Arroyo

Hoy el aire duele y el miedo se siente. Hoy la ansiedad nos invade y la respiración se dificulta. Hoy la angustia nos cierne y la indiferencia nos hiere Hoy la deshumanización nos masacra y el futuro nos aterra. Hoy respiramos miedos y la esperanza se quiebra. Hoy las...
We Will Not Look Away: #StopTheHate by Claudia Arroyo

We Will Not Look Away: #StopTheHate by Claudia Arroyo

Today anxiety invades our bodies and our breathing.Today heartache lingers and indifference wounds us.Today we are deprived of our humanity and terrified of our future.Today we breathe fear and hope is broken.Today weapons are abundant but empathy is absent. Today we...
4 Years of Learning and Resiliency

4 Years of Learning and Resiliency

What does PEC turning 4 years old mean to you? For me, PEC turning 4 years means that there means a light of hope that WE CAN, that if we fight we can succeed. We have had ups and downs and the most recent was the pandemic, when many businesses had to close, we were...


Do you like running, hiking and/or walking? Prospera needs you We’d love to invite you to join Prospera at the Miles or Meaning Challenge on the Kilter app where you can make your miles truly matter for us! When you join this challenge you will track your mileage...

“This is not charity; we own this Fund and we are building a stronger community with it. We can vote, we have a voice, and we can make decisions for ourselves. We may sometimes be left out of the economy at large, but this economy is completely ours!” Daniella...
Hope to move forward by Anahi Rojas

Hope to move forward by Anahi Rojas

“With the Resiliency Fund we get more than just financial support, we get hope. Hope to move forward, hope to remain in business, because when COVID-19 hit we were strongly affected and at risk of closing. But Prospera arrived and told us: ‘Look, we have this fund to...
I did not feel alone by Denisse Cardona

I did not feel alone by Denisse Cardona

As the child of immigrants, I have always felt that I was not meant to fit in here in the States. When my parents would take me with them to visit their homes in Mexico, I felt I did not belong there either. This feeling of not being able to call either country my...
Keeping our Needs in Mind by Ana Castaño

Keeping our Needs in Mind by Ana Castaño

Dear Prospera family,I am Ana Castaño, Founder of Luna y Sol Bay Area Nanny Collective. Many of you already know me – I am a Prospera entrepreneur, fellow, and board member.  Starting a business has never been easy, but if we add to it the crisis of COVID-19...
Invest your stimulus in Latina resilience!

Invest your stimulus in Latina resilience!

Dear Prospera family, Please consider making a difference in the livelihoods of Latina immigrant entrepreneurs with your stimulus check.  We invite you to make a contribution to Prospera’s Latina Entrepreneur Resiliency Fund.  The purpose of this fund...

Fearless Latina warrior

Fearless Latina warrior by Nancy Rosales  Prospera, for me, has been nothing short of an oasis. It has inculcated within me the spirit of a fearless Latina warrior, who will fight and worked hard for her dreams. Here, I know that I...

How entrepreneurs share our solitude

How entrepreneurs share our solitude by Ana Castaño Ana is from Michoacan, Mexico and moved to California in 1996. She is the proud mother of Metzli, Alitzel and Erendira. She has worked with the LGBT and immigrant communities through...

Be bold and spread the love

Be bold and spread the love A tribute to the Latino Community Foundation by Maria Rogers Pascual I am still feeling the big love that Masha, Jacqueline and their amazing team shared with us just last week at our second retreat of the Latino...

No te Sueltes ¡Habla tu Verdad! Por Claudia Arroyo

Querida Familia Prosperadora, Hoy con profundo dolor compartimos esta nota para hacer una pausa en nuestro caminar del día a día. ¡Hay muerte, hay dolor, hay duelo en nuestra comunidad! La situación migratoria en este país es intolerable y nos rehusamos a quedarnos en...

Don’t Let Go…Speak Your Truth! By Claudia Arroyo

Dear Prospera Family,Today we are taking a pause in our day to day lives to acknowledge the deep pain we are experiencing as a community of Latina immigrant women in this country. There is death, there is pain, there is grief in our community! The treatment of...

Prospera’s New Entrepreneur Fellowship

Announcing Prospera’s New Entrepreneur Fellowship Accelerating Latina led cooperative businesses Oakland (May 16, 2019) – Prospera Community Development is thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new Fellowship – a unique, culturally focused program that...
Reflection on 2024 with Prospera

Reflection on 2024 with Prospera

Dear Prospera Family, As we close out 2024, our hearts are full of gratitude and pride for everything we have achieved together. This year has been a beautiful reminder of the collective strength, talent, and resilience that define our community. Your unwavering trust...