Hey there, amazing DAF holders! 

Did you know over $234 billion is just waiting to make a significant difference in DAFs and community foundations nationwide? Are you ready to make a difference like never before? With #HalfMyDAF, you have the incredible opportunity to join forces and maximize the impact of your generosity on the causes closest to your heart!

Join us and become a #HalfMyDAF Hero and participate in the 2024 matching-grant challenge! #HalfMyDAF will make dollar-for-dollar matches of up to $5,000 on June 28, 2024, and again on September 27, 2024, out of a pool of $1.8M in unrestricted grant funding. 

Here at Prospera, we’re all about teamwork and coming together for positive change. We are at a pivotal moment of growth, and we can use ALL the support we can get to sustain and flourish. Help us move the billions of dollars idle in DAFs and community foundations nationwide. The #HalfMyDAF challenge is about putting these charitable dollars to work right now, where they’re most needed!

We invite you to consider supporting Prospera through your DAF. A grant to Prospera directly impacts Latina immigrant entrepreneurs, enabling them to cultivate sustainable wealth and well-being within their communities. Ready to make a difference? Here’s what you can do as a donor:

  • Learn more about the #HalfMyDAF challenge and its impact in the news. Check out the instructions, it’s so easy. 
  • Nonprofit colleagues spread the word and engage your donors in this incredible opportunity!

Got questions? Check out our handy FAQ section for all the answers.

Let’s make waves together!
Spread the word far and wide—tell your friends, family, and colleagues about #HalfMyDAF. The more DAF holders who join the movement, the stronger our impact will be!



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