by maite | Apr 21, 2021 | Blog Post
Conocí a Alex Miranda en Noviembre del 2016 en una reunión muy dinámica con el Cónsul General de México que vino a nuestra oficina para conocer a las participantes del programa de Prospera. Nos sentamos en círculo en un esfuerzo por igualar (tanto como fuera posible)...
by maite | Apr 21, 2021 | Blog Post
I first met Alex Miranda in November 2016 at a very dynamic gathering with the Consul General of Mexico who came to our office to meet Prospera’s program participants. We sat in a circle in an effort to equalize (as much as possible) the power differences in the room....
by maite | Jun 25, 2020 | Blog Post
Dear Prospera Family, I have some news to share that comes with a lot of mixed emotions, to say the least. As of August 10 I will be leaving Prospera. But I’m not going far. I have accepted an exciting new position with the Haas Leadership...