No te Sueltes ¡Habla tu Verdad! Por Claudia Arroyo

Querida Familia Prosperadora, Hoy con profundo dolor compartimos esta nota para hacer una pausa en nuestro caminar del día a día. ¡Hay muerte, hay dolor, hay duelo en nuestra comunidad! La situación migratoria en este país es intolerable y nos rehusamos a quedarnos en...

Don’t Let Go…Speak Your Truth! By Claudia Arroyo

Dear Prospera Family,Today we are taking a pause in our day to day lives to acknowledge the deep pain we are experiencing as a community of Latina immigrant women in this country. There is death, there is pain, there is grief in our community! The treatment of...

For the Common Good!

For the Common Good!By Alex Miranda, Board Chair  My experience at Prospera has been incredibly enriching. As the Chair of the Board I have learned to connect different ideas from people and communities with diverse life experiences for a common good: our Latinx...

Unity builds strength by Claudia Arroyo

I am pleased to share that we have started a strategic alliance with Excelsior Works! (EW), a multicultural and multilingual workforce development center based in the Excelsior neighborhood in San Francisco, CA. Last Thursday, April 18th, we visited the EW facilities...