by Angela Solis | Oct 2, 2023 | Blog Post
Prospera’s Co-Executive Director, Claudia Arroyo recently had the opportunity to speak with Ryan Honeyman, host of the Next Economy Now podcast from LIFT Economy about building a better, more equitable economic model for Latina immigrant entrepreneurs. In the...
by Angela Solis | Sep 25, 2023 | Blog Post
The #HalfMyDAF initiative offers DAF holders the chance to pool their resources to amplify their impact on the causes they hold dear. At Prospera, we understand that achieving our objectives relies on the collective effort of a community, and we deeply...
by Angela Solis | Jun 8, 2023 | Blog Post
La Familia Prospera se complace en presentar a nuestra nueva cohorte de becarios 2023-2025. Estas mujeres excepcionales han sido cuidadosamente seleccionadas de entre un grupo de talentosas candidatas. Son mujeres talentosas y apasionadas que aportan una gran variedad...
by Angela Solis | Jun 8, 2023 | Blog Post
The Prospera Family is happy to introduce our newest cohort of Fellows 2023-2025. These exceptional individuals have been carefully selected from a talented pool of applicants. They are talented and passionate women who bring a wealth of diverse backgrounds,...
by Angela Solis | May 25, 2023 | Blog Post
Querida comunidad, El pasado mes de Abril celebramos el primer retiro del nueva mesa directiva de Prospera donde se juntó la pasión, la visión y el cariño por un proyecto en común. Fue un día donde muchas de las miembras de la mesa y el equipo de Prospera...
by Angela Solis | May 18, 2023 | Blog Post
Dear friends, This past of April we celebrated our first in-person retreat with our new Prospera board of directors uniting vision with passion and love for a common project. It was a day when many of the members of the board and the Prospera team met for the...