A bittersweet goodbye from Maria Rogers Pascual

A bittersweet goodbye from Maria Rogers Pascual

Dear Prospera Family, I have some news to share that comes with a lot of mixed emotions, to say the least. As of August 10 I will be leaving Prospera. But I’m not going far. I have accepted an exciting new position with the Haas Leadership...
Keeping our Needs in Mind by Ana Castaño

Keeping our Needs in Mind by Ana Castaño

Dear Prospera family,I am Ana Castaño, Founder of Luna y Sol Bay Area Nanny Collective. Many of you already know me – I am a Prospera entrepreneur, fellow, and board member.  Starting a business has never been easy, but if we add to it the crisis of COVID-19...

Curso MIC. Plan de Acción de Comunicaciones en Escenario Emergente

Sobre del webinar: En esta sesión nos enfocaremos en crear estrategias de comunicación internas y externas para poder visualizar la nueva realidad de nuestro negocio. Nos enfocaremos en la comunicación hacia proveedores y clientes internamente para mantener buenas...